Solomon Islands Clam Monetary Ring


This  “Barava” is old artform of the Western Province Solomon Island currency

Dimensions:- Diameter 7.5 cm / 3.5 in Thickness 2 cm / 0.75 in

SKU: SOL013 Categories: ,

The simplicity of this artform of ancient Western Province, Solomon Island currency, simplifies the great effort effort required to create it.

Made from semi fossilised clam shell which is sourced a secret quarry location high up  Mount Kela, Ranongga Island in the Western Province, the perfectly rounded circle was  painstakingly cut into shape, with only had made, most primitive form of a drill then smoothed down to a finished surface by using strips of abrasive shark skin and water.

This traditional clam shell money was used between villages for centuries before modern currency came into the Solomon islands. It would also be exchanged for traditional "Bride Price" exchanges between the two families of marriage.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 1.5 cm